July 22, 2024
As a responsible consumer, If you want to buy a product or service, where do you do your research? You might ask your friends and family, or check TikTok and Twitter. However, if you're like the majority of people, you'll likely look to a search engine first.
February 26, 2024
It’s no shock to anyone that we’re in the age of subscriptions. Our entire world has been Netflixified, with every service wanting a piece of the action. The average person in 2020 had a baffling twelve subscriptions each, with this number only continuing to rise.
February 1, 2024
When print media started making the move to digital, newspapers were cautiously optimistic. The transition was inevitable as the internet became ubiquitous. It’s not like the newspapers could simply opt out of digitising. And who knows, maybe hosting the news online could prove to be a lucrative new revenue stream for the already thin-margined print media industry. Right?
January 30, 2024
Was watching this @leeerob video on How Vercel builds Vercel and had some thoughts.
January 22, 2024
You know the deal: you want to read about the latest horrifying global event, so you click on the first link, and… it’s paywalled. You go back and click on the second link. Also paywalled (and screaming at you about your ad blocker). Onto the third and fourth articles. Eventually, the global conflict has resolved itself before you find out what the hell is going on.
January 22, 2024
I was listening to another great episode of Hackers Incorporated where Ben and Adam reviewed 2023 and figured it would be good to clean up my internal notes and do a blog post about it.
December 15, 2023
'Listen to your customers', 'focus on your clients' problems' – recurring advice you'll recognise from pretty much every startup book on the market. It's solid guidance. And for anyone running a tech company? A persistent challenge.
December 1, 2023
I've been neglecting this blog and the 112 people that subscribed for updates 🙁 But life took over and just couldn't bring myself to sit down and write. A lot has happened though:
August 22, 2023
If you're in a software or product company I'm sure you have heard the advice of "don't deploy on Friday." This is both reasonable and has merit. However, this isn't great advice in 2023.
May 31, 2023
Recently I had to answer some data questions around our ideal customer so I needed a way to calculate LTV. In the past I've done my fair share of heavy data lifting to get the most accurate value of Life Time Value.
November 14, 2022
With all the commotion around Twitter, Mastodon, and the Fediverse (what is the Fediverse video) I've been reading into the alternatives to centralised and content silos.
October 26, 2022
Adopting Basecamps 'Shape-Up' method at Prezly transformed our company. In an introductory video by Ryan Singer (author of the method) he talked about the three main reasons people are interested in the method
October 24, 2022
It's been almost three months since we moved to Spain and I figured it was time for an update as the last one is dated from the beginning of September.
October 20, 2022
The two (web) apps I use the most in my day-to-day Prezly work are Notion and Linear. I do prefer their native (Electron based) apps.
October 17, 2022
Writing and publishing a blog post or press release is at the core of the Prezly product and we want to make it better, faster, more powerful and easier to use.
September 16, 2022
Took some time to write a quick update. If you haven't read the previous updates yet you can find them linked below:
September 1, 2022
Last weekend someone was able to sign-up for a Prezly trial and send out over 4 million emails unnoticed. I mean, we did notice it after the weekend but then it was too late.
August 29, 2022
This week we welcomed Peter and Ann who were visiting us from the other side of the Pyrenees (Around Toulouse). Although they made a short stop on their way to Tarragona we enjoyed their stay.
August 12, 2022
Last Thursday the day had come to pack up our stuff and take the 1250km drive to our new home.
August 2, 2022
This would be my most accurate one-liner of what it feels like to build a company from a three-person founding team to a few-million revenue/30+ headcount business.
July 26, 2022
In the previous blogging theme I hacked away in a few evenings I was lacking quite some functionality like search and paging. Also, the theme didn't score great in SEO and accessibility lighthouse audits.
July 11, 2022
We've been contemplating a move abroad for a few years now and we finally did it. In August 2022 we'll be moving to the Spanish Pyrenees where we bought a house.
March 17, 2022
Disclaimer: I am no expert in product analytics and definitely not claiming to be. I did spend the last 5 years playing with a lot of different analytical tools and made a lot of mistakes. With this post I hope other people can avoid some of those.
March 11, 2022
Because I learned the hard way that my phone usage was messing with my mood I've been trying to limit my phone usage with mixed success.
February 16, 2022
Annelies and I had planned a last-minute four-day road trip through the Spanish Pyrenees to see what it would be like living there.
February 10, 2022
This project can be broken up in three different components:
January 26, 2022
I've been thinking for a while that I needed to document the different ways we use Prezly to run Prezly. Browsing twitter today I saw Peter Suhm started a great trend.
August 25, 2021
You know how you have one Netflix account shared within your immediate family, a few colleagues, that couple you met on holiday and your family physician? So, that's called account sharing. We've all done it at one point or another, and by and large, most people see it as a victimless crime since the only ones put out by it are big, faceless corporations who make too much money and probably test their products on puppies or babies or something equally defenseless and small.
August 10, 2021
This holiday we spent a month with the family in Sweden 🇸🇪. It was awesome. This is a quick write-up of note-worthy tips, the route of our trip and the experience travelling with a family of 5.
June 17, 2021
Inspired by a great post on reddit i took some time to go through the costs of running Prezly. Initially, I figured it would be a great read but at the same time, it's a useful exercise for me to see if there are any services we can get rid of or downgrade.
June 7, 2021
I was scoping some changes to the website today and noticed how much better we plan and execute on changes to the website.
June 2, 2021
Text editors are central to most online apps. While text editors used to be important for Content Management Systems (CMS), they are now an important part of many more tools such as Project Management Systems and CRM systems. Customers are rightfully more demanding when it comes to how they create content.
May 31, 2021
In this article, I am going to break down how this blog works. When I started this project my main requirements were 1) developer experience, 2) performance and 3) simplicity.
May 28, 2021
In a previous post I tried to find the best newsroom based on unbiased signals such as search traffic, lighthouse scores, accessibility and page speed.
March 9, 2021
With help from Prezly colleagues, customers and twitter I now have a list of about 60 newsroom URLs from well-known brands, but which ones are the best?
March 3, 2021
While I'm searching for inspiration to design, build and integrate the best possible newsroom in Prezly I wanted to share the plans on how we're want to do this.
March 2, 2021
Is 'newsroom expert' a job title? In the last 8 years, I have been involved in planning, designing, building, migrating and hosting a lot of newsrooms. From small startups and NGO's all the way up to large brands like Sennheiser, AXA or Shopify.